Creation. Directed by John Amiel, Produced by Hanway, BBC Films, Recorded Picture Company. UK Distribution: Icon.
Franki&Jonny developed the strategically and visually elegant online campaign for ‘Creation’ – the epic story of Charles Darwin’s personal and professional 10 year journey to publish ‘On the Origin of Species’ starring Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly.
The site evolved (of course) from a simple production hub that brought together all ‘Creation’ and ‘Darwin’ related online and social network activity into one official thread alongside the production assets as they were released.
We then launched the fully fledged campaign site 2 months prior to release and offered users a more immersive experience – navigate the extensive production assets with an elegant magnifying device or, if there’s something about Darwin you think we should know, submit your Darwin fact via the interactive map.
Did you know Darwin once ate an owl?
The march of progress_Lisbon, 2001